Ready to clear out those closets, garage, attic, and cabinets? 

Summer is drawing to a close and now is the perfect time to make room for fall. Whether you’ve got kids heading off to school in a few weeks or you’re looking to clear out items you no longer use a garage sale is the perfect option for removing items from your home that you don’t want to trash. 

For me, the most challenging part of organizing and making room is the thought of useful items just ending up in the dump. A yard sale is a great way to remove those items from your home without throwing them away.

The best part about this yard sale is you just need to setup. No need to advertise, setup signs, or worry about breakfast. It’s all provided for you. 

Sign up below for the neighborhood yard sale!


When: September 16, 2023

Where: Your front yard. No need to go anywhere just set up your items in your own yard and driveway.

What you need: Just your items priced and ready to sell. I will set up signs, advertise online, and give all participants donuts that morning.